We often discuss the need for society to be open and inclusive. At Uppsala University, we consider openness essential to our development and growth.

This Thursday, I spoke at a conference on equal opportunity. In my speech, I highlighted the need to create an atmosphere where everyone feels they can assert themselves, and how this, to me, is a question of quality. If we fail to do so, we will have a hard time recruiting students and researchers in the fierce competition internationally.

On Friday, I participated in a debate in Lund on the topic: Are Swedish Universities Applying the Right Strategy in Research and Education? The debate revolved around how to keep Swedish higher education competitive internationally, and how to face international competition. However, we must also strive to collaborate with the best and brightest to create what we want – a better world.

The Swedish Minister for Higher Education and Research, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, took part in the conference on Thursday. We – she, I and Anders – discussed the University’s needs at length. We delved into our various initiatives, both upcoming and cancelled ones. We had a good talk, always keeping the ideals of internationality and openness in mind.

Naturally, the atrocities committed in Trollhättan were never far from our minds, either. We have all been greatly affected, and our thoughts go out to any students who now fear going to school. The tragedy has already sparked debate on safety and security – on how we are to protect our children.

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