Uppsala University, Sweden

Month: August 2014

Welcoming all international students

Yesterday we welcomed new students from across the world to Uppsala University, in the University Main Building. Student nations (that’s what we call our student clubs), student unions and other organisations presented themselves, and the newly arrived students were given a taste of all that Uppsala has to offer.

More and more international students choose to come here, partly thanks to the scholarships we have to offer through generous donations by Anders Wall, the President’s Club of Uppsala University, Rotary and other foundations. Students are also granted scholarships through IPK and Erasmus Mundus. But more scholarships are needed going forward.

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Do you have a room to spare?

This week I will be welcoming new students to Uppsala University. This is one of the Vice-Chancellor’s most inspiring tasks, and perhaps one of the most important.

This morning I welcomed students in science and technology. When talking to them, I was reminded again that many are having real difficulties finding somewhere to live, and for some the situation has become desperate.

So, I would like to ask everyone who works at the University to rent out a room, if at all possible.

Last year I had a student living with me for two months and I can strongly recommend it. It was fun, and I also got to hear how a student experiences their first few weeks in Uppsala.

Get in touch with studentboet.se if you have a room to spare. If you have any questions, send them to bostad@us.uu.se. Studentboet.se is a collaborative effort between Uppsala University, Uppsala Student Union, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the city of Uppsala.

At Uppsala University – Campus Gotland there is a housing guarantee at the beginning of the semester, but here too there is a need for more student housing. Anyone who has a home to rent out in Visby can contact the local student union Rindi, tel. 0498-10 84 90 or e-mail boende@rindi.com.

On Wednesday we will be welcoming international students in the University Main Building. On Friday we have the Welcome Reception for Swedish students, and on Monday there’s the welcome reception at Campus Gotland.

We’re very happy to see so many students wanting to come to Uppsala University and contribute to a living and lively university. Many researchers, both from within Sweden and from abroad, are also joining us. This makes it all the more satisfying to be able to officially open the new housing for guest researchers at Lagerkransen in the coming days. It is the old department building for limnology at Norbyvägen 20 that has been remade into 46 brand-new flats. A great location at the heart of the university area, close to the Evolutionary Biology Centre, Blåsenhus and the Botanical Garden.

Let’s all do our best to welcome our new arrivals – both students and researchers. Both in Uppsala and on Gotland.

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