Indeed, spring has well and truly arrived. We could not have hoped for a better Walpurgis Eve. Beautiful weather, record-breaking attendance figures, and few incidents according to the police. Many people have requested making a tradition out of OD’s concert on the steps of Carolina Rediviva following the Donning of the Caps – and I am in favour of this as well. Saturday was a busy day, starting with the Running of the Falls of the Fyris River where I selected one Vice-Chancellor’s favourite, followed by herring lunch, the Donning of the Caps, OD’s concert, the choir Allmänna Sången, and Kuratorskonventet’s delightful speech next to the Gunilla Clock in the evening, as well as a few nation visits. Our recommendation to ‘go one for one’ and having a serving of water for every serving of alcohol was heeded by many celebrators, and the bottles of water we distributed for public consumption ran out. On Sunday, I enjoyed a May dinner at Norrlands Nation.

A great big ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped make the weekend’s festivities a good time for all!


