(Original Swedish post published 12 December.)

On Tuesday morning, Eva Åkesson had the pleasure of starting the day by deciding which of our researchers and students would receive scholarships worth a total of more than SEK 17 million. These scholarships are made possible by donations to Uppsala University from individuals who wish to support young people, education and research. The money makes a great difference, both to individual people and to the University. In addition to these scholarships, students at Uppsala can also benefit from the plethora of scholarships available from the student nations.

Later in the morning, Uppsala Student Union presented a report on students’ psychosocial health. Mental ill health is a serious problem in society – particularly among young people. This is an important report which provides a good basis for continued work on these issues, which we think are best addressed jointly by students, the Student Health Service and the University as a whole.

Tuesday continued with the last University Board meeting of the semester. The members had braved the weather and made their way to Uppsala from near and far. The agenda consisted mostly of information and discussion items. We had a preliminary discussion on the budget figures that the University has to send to the government in February, and we talked about doctoral education.

The University Board decided to appoint Anders Malmberg Deputy Vice-Chancellor for the next three years. That completes the university management team starting in 2018, the deans, vice-rectors and Vice-Chancellor having been appointed earlier this year.

University management has increasingly become a matter of teamwork. We are ready and eager, as Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, to continue working together with undiminished vigour for another three years to create conditions for quality and renewal in our research, education and external collaboration.

First of all, though, we must make sure to give the best possible reception to the many Nobel laureates and other guests visiting Uppsala University on Lucia Day. The shadows may brood over our sun-deprived world at this time of year, but tomorrow it will be bright and warm in our well-filled lecture halls.